Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Ketogenic Update

Whew! This keto diet is kicking my butt. I feel like I'm spending my life researching and testing new recipes that Reagan might like. And did I mention it's only Day 2???!

Day 1 was relatively easy. She ate lots of bacon and eggs for breakfast; plums, chicken, and string cheese for lunch; then a pile of bell peppers and ground beef for dinner. I even got her to take a half tablespoon of MCT oil for extra fat. Smooth sailing!

Then this morning happened. I stayed up late packing lunches and making keto and non-keto batches of waffles for the week. And I decided the low carb mix waffles are less than desirable. At least to me. But hey, Reagan gobbled hers up. Since she didn't have any fats on her plate, I thought I'd fix that with another spoonful of MCT oil. Big mistake. It looked pretty tough going down, and it was all she could do to swallow. When she went to brush her teeth, up came the oil and the waffle. Straight into the sink. Happy Tuesday, friends!

Luckily she ate all of her lunch at school today, but I definitely didn't pack enough calories or fat in it. She had green beans tossed in olive oil and parmesan cheese, peaches, and a slice of ham. And not the fatty kind of ham, it was just Applegate sandwich meat.

When I calculated later it was just over 100 calories. So I've spent this evening trying to pack fat into her. She ate two and a half hot dogs (uncured, all beef), a bunch of cauliflower, and strawberries. But she turned her nose up at the delightful little dish of homemade whipped cream I served her. I mean, what kid doesn't want to eat spoonfuls of whipped cream??! I've created healthy little monsters, and now that I need her to eat fatty treats she wants no part in it. Go figure. Although, to be fair, I don't like whipped cream either. But I did sample it and I'm pretty sure it was as delicious as whipped cream can possibly be. As a backup plan I tried to get her to eat a tasty little fat bomb I made from a pinterest recipe. Nope. Even though it's made of butter and coconut oil and cream cheese and lemon juice. How could someone not even want to try that? Don't worry, I took care of it for her. Which clearly means that I have to cut way back on my carbs because apparently I too am now on a high fat diet.

The bright side is that this is only Day 2. I'm sure the kinks will work themselves out, I'll be better prepared and more diligent with the meal planning, and this will only get easier. Until then, I think I'll go snack on a fat bomb.

What's your favorite low carb snack? Leave a comment!

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