Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Free Sample Meal Plan

I feel like I've been MIA. Practically all of my free time has been spent either napping or packing. Why? Because in all my brilliant glory, I  decided moving with only 8 weeks until this baby is born was a great idea. I mean, it really is. We're in a two bedroom condo now, and there just isn't enough space for us all. Plus, babies come with their own storage unit full of necessary stuff. So we're moving to a house! With a yard! And everyone can run and frolic outside while I nap peacefully inside. Ahhh, a girl can dream.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Fitness Friday

Yep. It's Friday. Maybe you haven't gotten around to working out this week. Maybe you accidentally ate fast food every day. You're probably thinking you'll just start over next Monday. But why wait? You wake up every morning with a blank slate. Made a bad choice (that's the lingo in kindergarten) at lunch? Blank slate starts as soon as that meal ends. Make a better decision the next meal, the next morning, the next workout. It's never too late. And you never have to wait until Monday. Start right now. This very minute. With this workout.

This can be done at home with no equipment, which means no excuses! Do the entire circuit as many times as possible for a full 20 minutes. You can do it!

Monday, September 14, 2015

Low-Carb Sausage Biscuit Balls

All of Reagan's doctors and specialists are about a 5 hour round trip away. Sometimes that means we go the night before and stay in a hotel for a morning appointment. Sometimes we wake up at 4am to make the trip. She never complains. So every now and then, on one of these early trips, we'll stop at McDonald's for a sausage biscuit. I know, I know, that's nowhere near clean eating, but it's not a regular thing, so I've already forgiven myself.

Friday, September 11, 2015

Keto Cupcakes

The girls had their first birthday party invite since Reagan started her diet. Since her sole reason to attend a party is the cake, I decided I needed to find a suitable replacement to spare her the sadness of watching everyone else indulge in sugary cake and gooey icing. And so, the almond flour cupcake with strawberry cream icing was born!

Fitness Friday

Friday?! Between doctor's appointments, meetings with teachers, opening day of baseball, and picture day I almost forgot it was Friday. Almost. Plus I just started my third trimester, so I pretty much can't even remember my name. Lucky for you, I did remember to create a workout circuit for you. And, once again, no equipment needed! So no excuses! Do it in your living room. Do it in your bedroom. Do it in your yard or at the park. Just do it!

Complete the whole circuit once, rest 2-3 minutes, then repeat for a total of three times.

Is your schedule crazy now that school has started again? Leave a comment!

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Spaghetti Squash Lasagna

I'm not much for Italian food, but every now and then (maybe once or twice a year) I get a craving. But pasta is so full of calories that I usually try to avoid it altogether. Last night I happened to have a large spaghetti squash sitting around the kitchen, so I thought, why not make lasagna? And I had all the other ingredients already. #winning!

Now, I didn't measure anything out for this, just used what I had. So this is going to be a loose ingredients list. It should still be super easy for anyone to whip up.

Large spaghetti squash
15 oz ricotta cheese
Bag of shredded cheese
16 oz ground beef (or any ground meat)
Jar of spaghetti sauce

There are many ways to cook a spaghetti squash. I've done it in the oven, slow cooker, and microwave. The microwave is always my fave because it only takes a few minutes (depending on size). Just poke a few holes in it, stick it in a microwave safe dish, and start out at about 5 minutes. Then flip and do 5 more minutes. Once it starts to feel soft to the touch it's probably good to go. If you cook it too long, it will explode, leaving you a huge stringy mess to clean out of the microwave. I'm just guessing. Cut it in half, then scoop out the seeds and scrape the spaghetti like strings into a casserole dish, pressing down to form a thick, even layer. 

Then add a layer of cooked ground beef, followed by a layer of ricotta cheese. Just dump the entire cheese container and use a spoon to spread evenly. Next, pour the sauce over, using as much or as little as you like. Last, sprinkle the shredded cheese over it.

It's literally that easy. Pop in the oven heated to 350 for about 30 minutes. Remove, let cool, and serve! You've got a delicious, clean, healthy lasagna that tastes just as good as the real thing for a fraction of the calories and carbs! 

Friday, September 4, 2015

Fitness Friday

It's Friday! I don't know about you, but this week flew by for me! I think with my babies in school and me rushing around to get all my errands done before pick up it makes the days seem really short. That and all the keto cooking. 

Today's workout is a great one to try while you're at the park watching the kiddos play. A park bench or picnic table is perfect for the step ups and box jumps. You can also do this at home if you have a sturdy chair or even a coffee table. But make sure to test it first. I am absolutely not responsible if you go crashing through a table in your living room!

As you can see, I forgot to save the workout so I had to swipe it from my Instagram (which you should be following, by the way). Go through the entire circuit, rest three minutes, then do it again. Should take around 20 minutes. Good luck!

Have you ever worked out at the park? What's your favorite type of workout? Leave a comment!

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Ketogenic Update

Whew! This keto diet is kicking my butt. I feel like I'm spending my life researching and testing new recipes that Reagan might like. And did I mention it's only Day 2???!