Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Free Sample Meal Plan

I feel like I've been MIA. Practically all of my free time has been spent either napping or packing. Why? Because in all my brilliant glory, I  decided moving with only 8 weeks until this baby is born was a great idea. I mean, it really is. We're in a two bedroom condo now, and there just isn't enough space for us all. Plus, babies come with their own storage unit full of necessary stuff. So we're moving to a house! With a yard! And everyone can run and frolic outside while I nap peacefully inside. Ahhh, a girl can dream.

I realized the other day that I've moved 14 times in 14 years. How did that happen?! I grew up in one house my entire life, not moving until I went away to college. Apparently I somehow turned into a nomad over the last decade or so. The sad part? I have absolutely zero packing tips for any of you. Get a box, fill it up. That's it. That's all I have. Oh, and we don't have a firm moving date yet. Sometime in the next two-ish weeks. Doesn't that sound fun?!

And since all my kitchen stuff is packed up tight, I haven't been able to try out any new recipes. Even though I need to figure out a new cupcake for Reagan by Friday because my sister's kids are coming to celebrate one of my nephews' 13th birthday, and there will be cake. They're clearly not staying at my house!

So instead of a delicious healthy recipe, I'm giving you a very basic one day sample meal plan. Did you know that I offer customized meal plans based on your specific goals? Details are under the Services tab, and you can email me any time for questions or more info. You'll notice this is not a clean meal plan, meaning it's not just clean, unprocessed foods. This would be a meal plan I would make for someone just starting out, someone who needs to ease into a healthier lifestyle instead of jumping headfirst. I don't set people up for failure, I'm realistic. Enjoy!


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