Wednesday, June 29, 2016

My Running Comeback!

I have decided to run a marathon! A whole 26.2 miles. For fun.

I've always said I had zero desire to run a marathon. Who wants to run for that many hours straight? Who can run for that many hours straight? And then I had the third child that I had always said I wouldn't have. And since we're just breaking all sorts of self-imposed rules, why not break the running rule, too?

Lets set the scene here. The year is 2010. My twinsies are just a few months old, I have just quit my job to stay home with them. I have zero muscle strength because I've basically been in a hospital bed, recovering from a C-section, and being a first time mom for the past 4-ish months. My babies are pretty much confined to the house except for doctors appointments because taking them anywhere means loading up oxygen tanks and apnea monitors to go with us. Oh, and there's snow on the ground. Seriously, this wasn't a nightmare, it was real life. I do research and find out that my life will end if I do not buy a double BOB stroller immediately. So I go out and buy one for the bargain price of $600ish (which, by the way, is still one of the best purchases I've ever made and totally worth every penny)! The snow slowly melts. I bundle up my tiny babies in snow suits and push them around and around the parking lot loop of our townhome community. Spring arrives. I pack those babies up and drive a mile to a beautiful park that has a one-mile fitness trail around it. And I walk. Slowly. I walk and I walk and I walk. Sometimes I walk seven miles because those precious little angels fall asleep and I refuse to awaken the beasts. It's therapeutic (my life hasn't always been unicorns and glitter). It's relaxing. It's my only "me" time. I try to jog. I retrieve my uterus from the ground and decide I should stick to walking. Then I move to Florida, where there are glorious trails overlooking the water. And slowly, I start jogging. And I keep jogging! I'm not breaking any speed records, but that's ok! I'm doing it! I'm a runner!

Long story a tiny bit shorter: I kept at it, ran a few 5ks, did a couple of half marathons, retired from running to focus on weight lifting, had another baby, and here I am. Today. Signed up for my first full marathon. And I can't wait!

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